It's time for ants to decide what they want 

In good old days of ancient Greece the real democracy was created -  when major decisions were discussed and voted by people. It was then a natural process of the growth of states that made impossible in practical terms for people to gather for voting and discussion.
Hence - direct democracy was gradually replaced by representative democracy. And finally people delegated so much power to their elected "representatives" that it's no longer a democracy really.

But! But Iceland now in the position to return power back to people (and in urgent need to so indeed). Today the people of Iceland can  "standa saman" and make decisions for themselves.
They are ready technically. Everyone is "connected", people no longer have to be in one room to make one decision.
They are ready socially. Everyone is blogging, twitting, facebooking or involved otherwise.
They are ready politically - as current problems motivate more and more people to be active.

So people of Iceland in the position to govern by themselves. Without delegating the decision power to "representatives".

Some people told me that Icelanders are not ready to govern themselves, not ready to make "wise" decision. OMG! If they can vote for someone else they don't know - why they can't vote for themselves? What's the difference?
Look at InDefense phenomena! A group of people were able to get 80,000+ "voters" in a week or so! Why? There was the idea, the goal, the cause!
Look at bloggers - some of them are read  by tens of thousands. Without any "political party" behind them - just because they have something to say.

And the last thing. And most important actually.
I was told many times by many people - this is great (nice, brilliant, excellent etc.) idea would take years to get the system - laws, constitution etc. - changed whilst we have the kreppa now. So - forget it. That's right...but!
But nothing can stop a few guys to set up a server with voting system and run it in "test" mode. How?
By posting same matters for discussions and later for voting that are in the Althingi. And let people discuss and vote. But because this is not a "legal" thing yet - there is a trick. The vote results must be announced AFTER the result of voting in the Althingi!
Then people will be able to compare what People of Iceland and what their "representatives" are standing for.

And believe me - even without proper legal form it won't be possible to ignore the Voice of People.

And then it won't take much time to change the System.

No more Gallup BS, no more "government coalitions", no more "promises". Everyone can suggest, discuss and decide. Or do nothing of course.

This doesn't mean no government, no political parties. But this time professional politicians will have to prove they are up to job not during the elections only - but all the time.

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