Dear visitors...

Please visit me later when the project we are working on with Sturla  (see him at my firends list) could be open for public discussion.

So far - enjoy the reading of some of my "crazy" ideas Halo 

"Get power back to the people of Iceland
In the good old days people of Greece created the new way of governing - democracy. They were gathering at forums (aka torg) to discuss and vote for all significant matters of their states. At that time every town was its own state - so it was easy. As towns - and states have been growing - it’s become more and more difficult to get people together at one time and at one place. So some smart person invented “people’s representatives” known in our days as Members of Parliament. And that was the beginning of the end of democracy - and the power of people. Because today the only thing these “representatives” care about is to get elected. For that they can promise you anything - and then get loose to do anything. Till next election. And they are really good at this as you know.

But back to my idea.
Iceland is really a unique country in many ways. And in these days in particular
Because Iceland is in the position to get the power back to people, get back to real direct democracy. The old limitations - gathering together to discuss and vote - is no longer a limit in Iceland. With everyone’s access to Internet it’s possible to create the Parliament of People (where all people of Iceland are Members) that will discuss all matters and vote. In fact this is what you we are doing now - discussing! But one element is still missing - ability to vote.

I know, I know that it might take a long time to change laws, Constitution etc. to make such thing happen. That’s right. But nothing can prevent YOU to set up a virtual Parliament right NOW! Just set up a server with simple voting system (by kennitala), publish there all matters discussed by professional members of Parliament and let people vote on that matters. The only trick - do not publish vote results until old Parliament declares its own result.
Yes, such votes won’t  have any legal power. BUT! It will give people the power to say what they really want and what they really think about matters. No more Gallup bullshit, no more unknown “public opinions”. And although such votes won’t have legal power - professional members would think twice what they are saying and how they are voting. As soon as such system starts to work.
And if you set up the forum where everyone can suggest anything of real significance - and this also might be decided by vote - then it won’t be a problem to force the old Parliament to take the matter into the house"





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1 identicon

I am trying to find your e-mail address, but I don't see it here.  I saw your writing on the other website.  Send me an e-mail!

Seeker (IP-tala skrįš) 6.3.2009 kl. 13:40

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